We are a non-profit organization that exists to empower youth through opportunities to learn the business of sports. We arm youth will real experience that leads to preparedness in becoming highly respected leaders in sport. SLP will change the face of professional and amateur athletics.
The Why
Our youth are bombarded with images which lead them to believe that success can only be achieved on the court or field of play. What has long been overlooked is the massive underrepresentation of black leadership in every function of sports. We, no longer will stand for our youth to be limited to just participating in sports.Exposure to all functions of sport will ultimately impact the inequalities and bias that exists in executive leadership.
Our 'Coach's Office' will mentor youth through partnerships with a network of sports professionals.
Presented by highly respected professionals representing the business of sports
Participants will gain true hands on experience via planning, shadowing and executing special projects.
Make An Assist
We are seeking partners, sponsorship, board members, donations and volunteers